Our School’s Agreement
We will:
- Provide a safe and secure environment in which children can believe, achieve and succeed.
- Listen to children and treat them with respect at all times.
- Provide a high quality education which educates the whole child, so that they grow into responsible citizens and achieve academically.
- Offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is engaging and relevant,preparing your child for the next stage in their education.
- Encourage all children to be healthy, confident, life-long learners with a growth mindset.
- Encourage good attendance and punctuality and work with families to achieve this.
- Provide an inclusive environment in which all children can learn.
- Promote our school and British Values, modelling them at all times.
- Contact parents if we have any concerns about your child.
- Promote good behaviour and responsibility for one’s own actions.
- Set homework in line with school policy.
- Keep parents informed about their child’s attainment and progress.
- Communicate effectively with parents via our newsletters, website, Facebook page and text message service.
- Listen to and respond to any concerns.
- Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school.
Parents/Carers will:
- Ensure your child attends school regularly and arrives on time every day.
- Ensure your child wears school uniform.
- Work in partnership with the school to encourage a positive attitude to education.
- Support the school to promote good behaviour and for your child to take responsibility for their own actions.
- Support us to uphold our school rules: Always try hard and never give up; Kind hands, kind feet, kind words; Everyone matters.
- Let the school know about any changes which may affect your child’s learning or behaviour.
- Be a role model to your child and other pupils at all times whilst on school premises.
- Attend parent consultation evenings and discussions about your child’s attainment and progress.
- Support your child to complete their homework and develop a love of reading.
- Support school policies and help us to implement them.
- Park considerately, with awareness of children’s safety, local residents and access to school.
- Keep us updated with contact details.
- Keep up to date with communication by reading newsletters, checking the school calendar on the website and checking the school Facebook page.
Pupils will:
- Demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour and conduct in all areas of school life by following the school rules: Always try hard and never give up; Kind hands, kind feet and kind words; Everyone matters.
- Believe in themselves and that they can achieve and succeed with effort, resilience and determination.
- Attend school regularly and be on time every day.
- Wear your school uniform and feel proud to be a member of Blackgates Primary Academy.
- Complete homework on time and to the best of their ability.
- Always have a positive attitude to learning.
- Be respectful of staff and pupils at all times.
- Always tell the truth and take responsibility for your actions.
- Use technology responsibly and report those who don’t.
- Take an active part in learning, have a positive attitude in class and always try your best.
- Know that it is OK to may mistakes and this is how we learn.
- Be a good friend to others and help your peers.
- Take letters home to your parents/carers.
- Make the most of the wonderful opportunities your school has to offer and enjoy your time at Blackgates Primary Academy.
You can click here to download a printable copy of the Home School Agreement.