We believe that wearing school uniform gives children a sense of belonging and pride in their school. We also acknowledge that it can be costly so we are happy for any unbranded uniform which can be purchased at most supermarkets to be worn. If anyone is struggling to purchase uniform we have plenty of spare clean uniform which we can give out. We always respond positively to cultural and religious requirements. 


All our uniform items can be purchased from The Uniform shop in Morley or bought online from My Clothing.com. https://myclothing.com/ueslink/8289.school?t=1587975900161. Plain Jumpers or Cardigans can also be purchased from Supermarkets.


Children are expected to wear the following school uniform:

  • Grey or Black skirt, pinafore, trousers or school shorts.
  • White or blue polo shirt or shirt.
  • Blue jumper, cardigan or fleece.
  • Blue and White summer dresses may be worn.

No tracksuit bottoms allowed.



Please ensure footwear is sensible and safe.

Please make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly marked or labelled with their name.



One small ring is allowed and one pair of small stud earrings and a watch only please. Children do lose things and can get very distressed if valuable things go missing, it is the children’s responsibility to take care of these items. Please keep them for the weekends and the holidays.



It is essential that children are able to access the whole curriculum safely therefore we consider it inappropriate to wear hair in complicated styles that interfere with lessons, for example, PE.


PE Kit

Your child needs PE clothing for PE lessons. In Key stage 2 pupils are asked to wear PE clothing for the day. 

Details about ‘PE days’ will be sent home.


Jewellery is dangerous during PE and must be removed. An exception is a small pair of stud earrings, which will be covered with surgical tape.


Your child should have:

Indoor Kit             

White T-shirt (no buttons)

Black shorts

Plimsolls or trainers for indoor games

Bare feet for gymnastics and dance


Outdoor Kit                                                                       

As above

Trainers or plimsolls

Change of socks

For cold weather                                                             
Sweatshirt or long sleeved top or tracksuit and either tracksuit bottoms, black leggings or jogging bottoms when it is extremely cold weather.


Swimming Lessons                                                         

Trunks/one piece


For safety reasons, all children go barefoot during indoor gymnastics and dance. Plimsolls and trainers are worn for indoor games.

Please inform your child’s teacher if they have a verruca, as they must be covered.